
Harmony. Courage. Truth

The Stone of Alignment

Chakra: Heart (4th), Throat (5th)

Element: Water

Zodiac: Virgo

Crystal System: Triclinic

Hardness: 6-6.5

Origins: Found worldwide, but large deposits exist in Russia, Myanmar (Burma), India, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Brazil, and the USA (Colorado and Virginia)

Physical: Bone health, nervous system, skin conditions.

Emotional: Courage, truthfulness, relieves stress, anger and fear.

Spiritual: Facilitates alignment with higher self, balances masculine and feminine energies within oneself, connection to universal love.

Mantra: "I speak the truth of my heart for the highest good of all."

ૐ Metaphysical Properties

Amazonite is known to promote universal love and compassion by healing and opening both the heart and throat chakras to enhance loving communication. It is a powerful stone of harmony based in authenticity, filtering information passing through your brain and combining it with your heart and intuition, helping you see both sides of a problem. Amazonite facilitates connection with nature and promotes all forms of creativity by inspiring to pursue personal growth, self-love and one’s truth. 

Amazonite soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worries, fears and stresses and enhances loving truthful communication through the heart, whilst staying in connection with others. Its ability to provide clarity enables one to understand and gain perspective on their trauma, pushing them towards recovery. Amazonite facilitates calm, rational communication by quelling overly-emotional feelings and holding irrational thoughts in check to return the body to a state of equilibrium. It also enhances integrity and aligns your speech to your higher ideals, helping to move beyond fear of judgement or confrontation with others to live in alignment with those beliefs and values. These qualities make Amazonite a powerful tool for entrepreneurs, managers, leaders, as well as those who need a boost in self-confidence, courage and motivation - an overall great stone for the workplace as it clears confusion and lights the way to achieving goals.

Amazonite energetically supports bone health issues, such as osteoporosis, tooth decay and calcium deficiencies, and relieves muscle spasms by dissipating negative energy and blockages in the nervous system. It balances yin and yang (masculine and feminine) energies and aligns the physical body with the etheric to maintain optimal health. The stone is also an epidermal healer, curing rashes, reducing acne, and healing blistered skin. It is also know to alleviate ailments afflicting the throat and thyroid area of the body. Amazonite helps to release emotional grief that manifests physically and is helpful in cell regeneration and healing after trauma or injury. It also boosts the effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), aka Meridian Tapping, for anxiety and pain relief via energy balancing. Amazonite blocks geopathic stress, absorbing microwaves and cell phone emanations, making it a strong protection against electromagnetic pollution.

☥  In History

Amazonite is a blue green gem variety of Microcline, a type of Feldspar stone. Amazonite was used by the Ancient Egyptians, particularly royalty, who revered the green variety of Feldspar. Chapter Seven, The Judgement of Osiris, of the Book of the Dead was carved on large slabs of Amazonite. It was also used for jewellery, notably amulets and rings found with the treasures in Tutankhamun’s tomb. The assyrians associated Amazonite with the god Belus, also known as the Babylonian god Bel Marduk, patron deity of the city of Babylon. The stone also appears in the legend of the Amazons, the ancient warrior women tribe. It was said that they adorned their shields with Amazonite, used it for jewellery and gave it to visitors as a gift. They used the stone to heal wound sand cure illnesses healing powers, and they used it extensively for medicinal purposes. 

☽  How to Use

Amazonite is a brilliant stone to meditate with as it brings a keen awareness of all to the consciousness and inspires one to listen to and integrate all aspects of the self. As it is a stone of truth, one can trust the visions, dreams and intuitions that surface whilst meditating with Amazonite. Sleeping with Amazonite beneath the pillow or on the bedside table will help to gain clarity and understanding of the higher self through dreams.

In Feng Shui, Amazonite provides water energy, which the energy of the circle of life, career and life path. Placing the stone in the northern end of the home or room will impart quiet strength, stillness and purification and increase balance in the home.

Amazonite can be worn near the heart or throat for physical and emotional healing. It can also be rubbed on areas affected by osteoarthritis and skin irritations to aid the healing process. Carrying an Amazonite stone in a pocket can help calm and soothe your energy during stressful times.

☋ Cleansing

Cleanse your Amazonite crystal using any of the following methods:


Hold your Amazonite under running water and ask the Universe to remove all negativity from this crystal. Alternatively, leave your crystal to sit bowl of water for several minutes. If you are near to a natural running river, Amazonite stones can be placed in an organza bag and left for a short time in the running water. Running water can also energise as well as cleanse the stones at the same time.


Half-fill a glass bowl with sea salt (or cooking salt) and place your crystal directly into the salt. Either bury them into the dry salt or leave them on the surface. They should be left in the salt for several hours, overnight or for several days. Then thoroughly rinse the crystal under cool running water to remove any remaining salt. Don't forget to throw away the salt after use - Never re-use as it will have absorbed negative and unwanted energies.

Another salt method is to leave your crystals in a sea salt/water mixture, as per the water method.


Hold a burning sage smudging stick near the Amazonite crystal so that the smoke fills the air around it. You can also hold your crystal in and near the smoke. Ask for cleansing, protection or dedicating love to your crystal. Discover our range of smudge sticks.


Place the Amazonite crystal directly on top of a piece of Selenite for around 6 hours (or as long as you feel guided to leave them). Our powerful Selenite Cleansing Sticks are perfect for this purpose.


Sound Healing allows a single pitch or tone to wash over an area, bringing it into the same vibration as the tone. Long trusted by the ancients, singing bowls or Tingsha cymbals are handcrafted to sacred tones and are the ultimate sound healing tool. Simply hold the sound close to the crystal for a few minutes minutes. Ideal for cleansing multiply crystals at once or very large or delicate stones that are not easy to move. See our collection of Sound Healing tools here.

♡ Charging

Crystals can replay any sort of vibration that you bestow upon it, simply using your intention. Your Intentions emit a specific frequency of vibration of which crystals have the ability to store and emit. You can program your Amazonite crystal to replay with a particular energy, belief or new paradigm that you are trying to cultivate or to assist with specific projects and tasks. 

Follow these steps to charge your Amazonite:

  • Determine what you need assistance with and the energy that you would like your crystal to emit.
  • Ask your crystal if it is willing to partner. You will feel a clear yes, excitement even if the answer is affirmative. A neutral feeling is also a yes. No will usually feel like a strong resistance and is easiest to sense.
  • Hold your crystal to your heart and then to your third eye. With clear intent, imagine the task projected into the crystal. Extend the crystal in front of you to the point where you can envision the crystal, your heart and your third eye linking to form a triangle and lock in the purpose.
  • State aloud the “program” and thank the crystal for being a willing transmitter of this frequency.

Your charged crystal is now ready for use! Keep it close or hold it when you would like to amplify the program. Remember, the magic and power is within you, crystals are a wonderful tool to magnify our natural, metaphysical abilities.

Amazonite Raw+..
Amazonite Necklace
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Amazonite Generator Tower